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Microsoft Office 2016 VL Visio Project Language Accessory Packs x64: Add More Display, Help, and Pro

This article describes methods of deploying and managing language packs for versions of Office 2016 that use the Windows Installer (MSI) installation technology, which are available for enterprises through volume licensing. If you have an Office subscription and you're deploying Microsoft 365 Apps, which uses the Click-to-Run installation technology, see Overview of deploying languages for Microsoft 365 Apps.

Microsoft Office 2016 VL Visio Project Language Accessory Packs x64

The list of files contains all available language packs, language interface packs, and proofing tools for the language and edition that you specified. For example, for Office Professional Plus 2016, the results will look similar to the following figure.

The following steps are the same as the standard steps for deploying Office 2016. They are included for testing. The only difference in the steps is that you must copy the language packs to the same network location as the installation files.

The following steps are the same as the standard steps for deploying Office 2016. They are included for testing. The only difference in the steps is that you must copy the language packs to the same network location as your installation files and edit the Config.xml file to specify which languages to install.

The following steps are the same as the standard steps to deploy the Office 2016. They are included for testing. The only differences in the steps is that you must copy the language packs to the same network location as the installation files, create and edit the Config.xml file for each group to specify which languages to install, and then deploy the appropriate Config.xml file to the different groups.

If you only want specific proofing languages, the installation of one or two language packs might provide all the proofing tool languages that you need. Each language version of Office 2016 includes proofing tools for a set of companion languages. For more information, see Plan for Office proofing tools and Companion proofing languages for Office 2016.

Organizations can use Office language packs to customize language settings for individual business units spread across different regions. This article first explains MS Office language pack categories, the purpose of proofing tools and provides all the language codes. Then, it shows how to deploy language packs at an enterprise level for both Office 365 and Office 2016 users.

Office 2016 uses a similar set of terms to refer to language settings and functions as Office 365. Language accessory packs (LAPs) largely correlate to Office 365 language packs. A German LAP, for example, will include the UI, commands, Help info and proofing tools in German. In contrast, Office 2016 also uses language interface packs (LIPs), which only contain the UI for a given language. Language settings can be configured along the same four parameters as Office 365: Editing Language, Display Language, Help Language and Proofing Tools.

Deploying Office language packs for Office 2016 requires two different procedures based on whether the original suite was installed from MSI (Windows Installer) or Click-to-Run. MSI is the older Microsoft installation and configuration software used for Office 2016 and earlier versions. Click-to-Run is the current version, which can be used for Office 2016 but must be used for Office 365. 2ff7e9595c

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